14. joulukuuta 2009


BBC News: Cleaners 'worth more to society' than bankers - study

Hospital cleaners are worth more to society than bankers, a study suggests.

The research, carried out by think tank the New Economics Foundation, says hospital cleaners create £10 of value for every £1 they are paid.

It claims bankers are a drain on the country because of the damage they caused to the global economy.

They reportedly destroy £7 of value for every £1 they earn. Meanwhile, senior advertising executives are said to "create stress".

BBC uutisoi tutkimuksesta, jossa pankkiirit ja mainostoimiston ihmiset raakattiin vessanpesijöiden alapuolelle: ensinnä mainitut eivät tee yhtä hyödyllistä työtä kuin jälkimmäiset.

Koko yhteiskuntaa erityisesti hyödyttävistä töistä mainittiin esimerkiksi lastenhoitotyö. Sehän vapauttaa useamman ihmisen muihin tuottaviin töihin:

[Childcare workers:] "Both for families and society as a whole, looking after children could not be more important. As well as providing a valuable service for families, they release earnings potential by allowing parents to continue working. For every pound they are paid they generate up to £9.50 worth of benefits to society."

(Jutussa ei ollut tietoa siitä, millä laskutoimituksilla nämä luvut on saatu.)

Eilis Lawlor, spokeswoman for the New Economics Foundation, said: "Pay levels often don't reflect the true value that is being created. As a society, we need a pay structure which rewards those jobs that create most societal benefit rather than those that generate profits at the expense of society and the environment".
