9. huhtikuuta 2010

[Trigger warning] Lämpimikseen puhuu

[Triggeri: Raportti eräästä raiskauksesta ja sen tutkinnasta. Siinä viranomaiset ja lääkärit mokailevat rankasti ja lyövät velvollisuuksiaan laimin. Varmaa vitutusmateriaalia.]

The Sexist: Amanda Hess: Test Case: You're Not a Rape Victim Unless Police Say So

That weekend, Hannah claims that she was provided the following excuses for why she could not receive a sexual assault medical forensic examination: She was drunk; she ate a sandwich; she was a liar; she didn’t know her attacker’s last name; the police had to authorize the exam; she was outside the hospital’s jurisdiction; she wasn’t reporting a real crime; she was blacked out; she changed her story; her case was already closed.


According to the girls’ testimony, when a doctor finally saw Hannah, she determined that she was too incoherent to consent to receive a rape kit, because she couldn’t verbally confirm that she had been raped. According to the girls, the doctor told them to take Hannah home, let her sleep it off, make sure she didn’t shower, and then return to Howard University Hospital for a rape kit the next day. When the girls begged the doctor to treat Hannah’s symptoms of sexual assault and drugging, the girls claim that the doctor told them to leave the ER. (The doctor testified that she informed Hannah’s friends that they would have to wait six to eight hours before Hannah was treated, and that the girls chose to leave the hospital without treatment). When Kerston and Sade took Hannah back to her dorm, she threw up again.

Jos sinut on huumattu ja sitten raiskattu, niin tapausta ei voida tutkia kunnolla - koska sinut kerran on huumattu, etkä pysty antamaan tapahtumista koherenttia selostusta. Kafkako tämän kirjoitti?

"Hannahin" rohkeus ja kestävyys on kuitenkin todella vaikuttavaa.

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myytinmurtaja kirjoitti...

Kumma juttu tosiaan, että raiskatut eivät välttämättä hevin ryhdy oikeusprosessiin raiskaajaa vastaan.